10 Things I've Learned about Teaching...
1. No college class can ever truly prepare a teacher for what happens in a classroom. You have to experience it first hand.
2. Good teachers never stop thinking about that next great lesson.
3. The Dollar Tree is a teacher's best friend.
4. The two people a teacher needs to befriend quickly at their school is the secretary and the classroom custodian.
5. True teachers love their job and spend about half their paycheck on things for their classroom.
6. The feeling a teacher gets when students finally 'get it' is one of the best in the world.
7. Teachers MUST have a sense of humor.
8. You can never communicate too much with parents.
9.Teachers should be in the Book of World Records for the longest span of time without a restroom break.
10. There is no other job I would rather be doing. I LOVE TEACHING!!! :)