Tuesday, February 15, 2011

George and Abe


My class is now learning about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  There are so many wonderful resources out there to teach the kiddos about these famous fellows.  One of my kindergarten team mates shared these great links with me today.  My kinders really enjoyed the videos.  www.brainpopjr.com/socialstudies/biographies/abrahamlincoln/


After reading different books about the former Presidents and watching the above video clips, I had my students use the template below.  Students colored and cut out George and Abe.  They were given a wide popcicle stick.  George was glued on one side of the stick and Abe on the other.  Once the stick puppets were complete, we gathered on the carpet and I read different facts about each President.  Students held up which president the fact was about.  They loved this activity.  I will post a picture of the stick puppet soon.  I left my camera at school. 

Let me know how this lesson works out for you!

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